To apply for certain products through Cavendish Online, we will need money laundering identification.

We will need to see original or certified* documents to prove your identity and your address. If you are applying for a joint product, we will need to see identification for each of you.

A passport or UK driving licence would be suitable as proof of identity.

For address verification, we suggest a recent bank statement or utility bill (dated within the last 3 months, mobile phone bills are not accepted) these documents must have been posted to your home address, we can’t accept any documents that have been printed from the internet. If you don’t have a bank statement or utility bill, then we can accept your passport to verify your identity and your UK driving licence to verify your address.

*A certified copy is where a person of authority (solicitor, teacher, director, post office clerk etc) endorses a copy of the original document stating that it is a true copy of the original document. They will need to sign and date the document including their name and position. The person certifying the document must not be related to you, be in a relationship with you or living at the same address.

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